Turning Back Time: Creating A Unique, Luxurious Nail Salon Space


Turning Back Time: Creating A Unique, Luxurious Nail Salon Space

Using brown as its main color with gold accents, ZNAILS develops a stylish, rich and modern atmosphere. In addition, by applying high-end materials such as marble and natural wood, as well as certain traditional European-American aesthetic elements in the 18-19th century, this project also demonstrates the Furni Design team’s boundless creativity and individuality.

These small details combine to produce a unique and remarkable ZNAILS that offers a great client experience.

Project Images

What Do Customers Say About Furni?

Amazing company. The attention to detail and degree of response are unparalleled. They assisted me in re-designing my business and came up with some quite unique concepts for the nail salon design. I’ve worked with several designers, and none compare to this level of excellence.

Zan Niels (Director of ZNAILS)

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